Radiological protection for medical exposures was specially stressed by the document of International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionising Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources ( BSS), which were recommended by 6 international organisations including IAEA. 由国际原子能机构等6个国际组织共同倡议制定的国际基本安全标准,把医疗照射防护放到相当重要的地位。
It is important for rationally using medical radiological equipment and for protecting the patients, the public and the medical radiation worker's health that medical radiological equipment should meet with the standards for radiological protection and safety. 医用辐射设备满足特定的卫生防护与安全标准的要求,对于医用辐射的合理应用和保障患者、公众和医学放射工作人员的健康具有重要意义。